Crab Feed
Feb 22, 2025
email or call 209-992-9018 to reserve your tickets!
We are so excited to host this fun event! All you can eat Crab, salad, and Pasta- OHHH and we cannot forget the desert!
Join us as we raise funds to help save the lives of the animals being house at City of Lodi Animal Services.

4th Annual Golf Tournament
Lodi Animal Services Foundation invites you to our 4th Annual Pars for Paws Golf Tournament. All Proceeds benefitted will go to the City of Lodi Animal Shelter. This tournament will be held at Elk Horn Golf Course in Stockton.
This Tournament is a 4 Person Scramble. $150 each player which includes breakfast, golf, and a sit down lunch to follow the tournament.
There will be a raffle and silent auction taking place during the lunch along with a prize ceremony.
Not playing golf but want to come to the lunch? No worries, We are offering additional lunchs for $40 each. Please email if interested in purchasing a lunch ticket!
We are looking forward to this event and hope you are too!

2024 Open house
Join us at the Lodi Animal Shelter for our Annual Open House and Clear the Shelter Event, Enjoy a free BBQ, Free Adoptions and vendors!

De Vinci Pick Up Fundraiser
An easy way to help our the Lodi Animal Shelter and the homeless pets it houses! Tickets are available and ready to purchase by contacting us! Email or text 209-992-9018. Each meal includes two options of pasta, salad, and a focaccia bread. use your ticket ANY time during De Vinci business hours during the week of May 19-25th 2024 at ANY location (Stockton, Lodi, Linden, and Valley Springs)

Tonys Pizzeria Pizza Day
No Flyer Required. All day event. Take out or dine in!
Grad a slice and save a life! All proceeds will benefit City of Lodi Animal Shelter

Pars for Paws Golf Tournament
Lodi Animal Services Foundation invites you to our 3rd Annual Pars for Paws Golf Tournament. All Proceeds benefitted will go to the City of Lodi Animal Shelter. This tournament will be held at Elk Horn Golf Course in Stockton.
This Tournament is a 4 Person Scramble. $150 each player which includes breakfast, golf, and a sit down lunch to follow the tournament.
There will be a raffle and silent auction taking place during the lunch along with a prize ceremony.
Not playing golf but want to come to the lunch? No worries, We are offering additional lunchs for $40 each. Please email if interested in purchasing a lunch ticket!
We are looking forward to this event and hope you are too!

2nd Annual PAWsta Dinner
Join us for our 2nd Annual PAWsta Dinner, Catered by Fagundes Meats. Raffle, Silent Auction, dancing, and a free Photobooth! All proceeds benefit the Lodi Animal Shelter and the homeless animals of our city.